April 19, 2010
A State With a Fabulous Magazine

I've been a reader of South Dakota Magazine for a couple of years now, and I really enjoy the stories the magazine runs about the places, the people, and the history that make South Dakota such a wonderful place to visit. Simply put, it is my favorite magazine and my only complaint is that it isn't published more than once a month. So, it comes as a bit of a surprise that the magazine gave our little corner of the web a big boost this month with Bernie Hunhoff's little piece on ThunderButte.com. Frankly, I'm flabbergasted as they've already mentioned us once before. If this doesn't light a fire to help me get some of those still unpublished stories out of the can and onto the web, I don't know what will. Thanks much, Bernie, and thank you, South Dakota Magazine!
--Mike Crowley
Mike Crowley Monday, April 19, 2010