
July 13, 2009

Author of Thunder Butte Blog Will be in Faith

As many of my readers know, I don't actually live in the Thunder Butte area. In fact, I live far from it. But I will be in the area this coming weekend. With luck, I'll get in Friday afternoon and need to head out by about 11 a.m. on Sunday. I plan to be staying at the Prairie Vista Inn in Faith. I'm interested in talking with people who knew any of my family members, including the Crowleys (Gene Ulrich – are you still around?) or the Shockleys who lived out toward Glad Valley and some of who gravitated to Lemmon and other parts. I'm also interested in interesting stories about the area. Basically, I'm looking to keep this little blog and website going and I need new stories.

If you would like to contact or meet with me, please call me at (605) 593-4530, which should forward to my cell phone. Or please call and leave a message for me at the Prairie Vista Inn, (605) 967-2343, where I'll be staying next Friday and Saturday night, July 17th and 19th. I would really appreciate hearing from you.

My Dad, John – who used to go by the name of Gene – grew up on a ranch out on the Cheyenne River Sioux Reservation about halfway between the butte and the town of Faith and left the area to fight in World War II. His departure was followed by my grandmother, who went by Mayme, and my Aunt Cecelia, who typically was called Cece. My Uncle Joe also left the area to join the service during the war. And, my grandfather Tom left the area not long afterward. In contrast, my Uncle Neal stayed on and did some ranching, mail delivery, and law enforcement as Faith's police chief for many years afterward – at least through the 1960's, before he moved on to Colorado, back to Faith, and then ultimately to Presho, where he died in the late 1970's. If you knew any of these people, please let me know. If you have any information on the whereabouts of Neal's adopted son, Pat, I'd like to know that as well.

Again, though, I am interested in stories about other people who live in the area and things happening locally, so please get in touch with me if you'd like to talk. If we can find a place to sit down for a cup of coffee, it's on me.

--Mike Crowley

Postscript--Apologies to my readers, but I got the dates wrong. I actually was in Faith the evenings of July 17th and 18th, not the 19th as I'd previously indicated. Also, my little bit of technology -- the phone number -- didn't work as planned. I am using an internet service called Google Voice, and had intended for any calls to the phone number above to be routed directly to my cellphone. Either I set up the phone forwarding incorrectly, or the service may not work all the time as planned. One kind reader did leave a couple of messages for me, I just discovered by logging into the service. Thanks for calling and I will get back to you!

1 comment:

  1. I love your blog, Michael. I have a link to it on mine because as a costumer and historical buff, I feel it is a good source of info on the way things used to be. I hope people are reading it.

    I also like that there is someone keeping up on family history.

    I have always wondered what happened to Pat. I hope he just went where he could be happy.
