
August 28, 2010

Photos from the Faith Centennial Parade

Gene Ulrich Rides Again! (photo courtesy of Stu Surma)

Well, folks, I had a once in a lifetime opportunity to go to Alaska for work or take time off and go to the Faith Centennial. Such a decision! I really wanted to see the Faith Centennial and I’d never before had an opportunity to go to Alaska. The choice—see rugged wilderness landscapes (while working) or visit cowboys and prairie folk! I don’t know how you would have chosen and it was a really tough choice, but my friend Stu Surma from Java, South Dakota, was kind enough to send me these photos of the Faith Centennial Parade, which was held on Saturday, August 14th. It’s not quite the same as being there, but almost as good! Thanks, Stu! I still feel bad, though, about missing all of the other great Centennial events. Of course, there is the Bicentennial to look forward to. With some advancements in medical science, a few spare parts, and an oxygen tank, I might still make that event. Let’s keep our fingers crossed!

--Mike Crowley

Faith Color Guard (photo courtesy of Stu Surma)

Actress Catherine Bach and Wagon (photo courtesy of Stu Surma)

Duane Vig's Plane (photo courtesy of Stu Surma)

The Ingall's Family -- Cousins to the Ingalls of Little House on the Prairie Fame (photo courtesy of Stu Surma)

Fischbach Family Float (photo courtesy of Stu Surma)

Rig from the Centennial Wagon Train (photo courtesy of Stu Surma)

Falling Asleep in the Saddle (photo courtesy of Stu Surma)

Small Four Horse Hitch (photo courtesy of Stu Surma)

Little Cowgirl on a Pony (photo courtesy of Stu Surma)

Catherine Bach and Girls with Stu Surma Sporting His Centennial Beard (photo courtesy of Stu Surma)

Editor's Note--Thanks again, Stu!


  1. I'm so grateful for your blog! I've looked everywhere for info on Gene Ulrich. I have his book "The Nature of Horses Basic Training and First Rides." Now I can add a color photo of him on his gorgeous blue roan with my signed book. I would love to meet him and talk horses. I've worked with young horses most of my life. His book brings new ideas and inspiration. In admiration.
    Lorrie in WA State

  2. Lorrie,

    Send me an email at thunderbutte [at] gmail [dot] com, and I'll let you know how you might try to get ahold of Gene.

