
December 13, 2011

Thunder of the Butte

The wind blew and the snow flew
And the driving wind stung
Your bare face with sleet and snow
Thunder Butte lost in fog of storm

The crack of splintering trees
Over the sound of these
Came the roar of avalanche
Rocks and snow and trees

Which direction where
When all is lost in white nightmare
Horses stumbling falling blind
Cowboys injured in a failing mind

Suddenly the sun appears
Just in time blazing through the white
A gift from God
Cattle fall into the trail for home

Now it`s Christmas time
No time to roam
Just a mile or so to go
Merry Christmas!

--John Crowley

1 comment:

  1. This is great. Found the website while cleaning out SD Magazines from 2010. We are coming back to Dad's ranch in Lemmon for the summer. Dad passed away last year and us "kids" have the ranch now. We lease it out as we live all over the country. Haven't been to Thunder Butte since running my granddad's furniture store in Lemmon in the 70s. Pass by sometimes on the road between Meadow and Faith. Sent the website to my grandboys in the city for their history lesson and a reminder of how beautiful the prairie is...
    Daryl and Jackie Peterson
